There is no better way to really dive into a hobby such as 3D printing than to just pick a big project and power through it. For this, I chose a handcannon from the video game Destiny 2 called the SunShot. It is complex, and required a lot of printing, sanding and painting for it to turn out well.
When working on a project like this, it always helps to bring along a friend so you can both do it together. My younger brother is also into 3D printing, and so I challenged him to print a handcannon as well, and then we would both meet up and paint them together.

The following is a gallery of images from start to finish, with some of them having specific comments about what I learned from those parts of the process. I also included the shots of the revolver-style handcannon (The Last Word) that my brother printed. They both turned out awesome.

Tuned the printer a bit after the first one was completed. You can see the difference in print resolution.

As this thing comes together, I realize just how big it is.

Most of the pieces are finished. Time for sanding!

Taped together. This thing is massive!

My brother painting primer.

Primer finished on my brothers handcannon.

Primer finished on my handcannon

Brushing in fine gold detail.

Painting the black!

After 5-6 hours of painting, the finished result!

Wonderful printed gold detail.

The SunShot looks awesome!

All... only one layer of paint to go to make it look used. (burn marks, etc)

Glamor shot before the final coat to make it look used.